Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hoodia Gordonii Plus - Secret behind your weight loss

If you are looking for a solution to your overeating problems which have gained you couple more pounds of weight, then, Hoodia Gordonii Plus is the product you should rely on. The product is well known for its appetite suppressing, metabolism boosting active ingredient p57 which works naturally on a human body.

The product has no side effects and it starts to work immediately for some and may take like few weeks for many others to see a constant decrease in eating habits and weight. The product does not contain any other harmful ingredient that has been detected until today, as far as scientific research is concerned.

The word 'Plus' signifies its origin being South Africa's Kalahari Desert. The word 'Plus' is licensed by the South Africa's Cape conservation Authority for its authenticity. All other product without the word 'Plus' are from different other countries like the Namibia, Angola or Botswana.

You should check for two certified documents before making any purchase. One being the C.I.T.E.S certificate and the other one being the Analytical Report. Keeping in mind that Hoodia Gordonii Plus has been publicized on CBS television show, majority of people were then introduced directly to the traditional botanical. People found this diet pill so attractive that the market for Hoodia increased gradually to the extent where major pharmaceutical companies tried to convert it into some form of a drug and are still struggling to date.

You can buy this product from The website also has good quality and valuable information about the product. Do you know what really happens when you take Hoodia Gordonii Plus pills orally? Once the pills start to dissolve into the body, it sends signals to the brain, tickling it to think there is lot of food already in the stomach. Since the signals from brain flows through the blood veins, it tends to consider the facts that the blood sugar or energy levels required by the body from such food particles have been consumed to maximum extent and does not need any more and thus, generating this feeling of 'I am not hungry' in that person.

This process can take up to 2 -3 weeks for some and may start to work in a day or 2 for others. Do not forget to drink as much water as you can because along with hunger, Hoodia also suppresses the thirst mechanism to some extent as well.

The question can be, How to take Hoodia pills? Well the answer is simple; the original and natural Hoodia Gordonii Plus pills are available at You can place your order there and can avail the product online without any hassle. Beware of brands which claim to have Hoodia in it but in reality have been tested negative. You can begin with 1 pill before launch and 1 before dinner for first few days and as the feeling start to become prominent, you can drop it to 1 a day. Make sure you refer a professional and qualified healthcare specialist for further guidance.

About the Author: Kris Saelen is the owner of Buy Gordonii Hoodia Online.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chewing Gum and Bad Breath

Many people are frequent consumers of chewing gum and bad breath is one of the reasons why. There are innumerable variations on mint flavored chewing gum, all designed to make your breath smell minty and fresh, not to mention cinnamon flavor, and fruit flavors. There are some brands of popular chewing gum specifically marketed for halitoisis, but any gum will do in a pinch. North Americans spend millions of dollars on gum every year because we prefer its taste to the taste of our mouths.

Chewing gum and bad breath is sometimes a winning combination, especially if the halitosis is caused by a food. We all know that having garlic with lunch will make one an outcast for the rest of the day – unless everyone else around shared the meal. Gum will certainly help mute garlic breath. Odors on the breath due to other foods are even more easily masked, and the good news is that the condition is temporary in any case. It’s a good idea to carry some gum for those times when you need a quick and temporary fix.

But all cases of halitosis are not created equal: when the air that comes out of your mouth smells rotten all the time and it has nothing to do with food, you can load up the chewing gum and bad breath won’t budge. The strongest mint gum will only cover up the problem for a minute or two, and even a dedicated routine of oral cleaning doesn’t seem to make much difference. In these cases, you need a halitosis product that’s going to act on the source of the odor.

In most cases that rotten odor is coming from the back of the mouth, specifically the back of the tongue. There, bacteria are breaking down proteins and releasing sulfur compounds that smell foul. Breath mints, chewing gum and bad breath products purchased in pharmacies and food stores usually do not attack these bacteria, although some are medicated and there are new products appearing on the market that claim to do just that.

What is needed is a product that will reduce the number of offensive bacteria living at the back of the tongue, not just cover up the odor for a few minutes. Consumers can purchase mouthwashes with antibacterial ingredients, mouthwashes that contain oils that pick up the bacteria and physically carry them off, and products that deliver oxygen to destroy anaerobic odor producing bacteria (bacteria that can’t live in the presence of oxygen). All of these approaches have promise. There are even some product lines that include chewing gum and bad breath mints that are designed to combat the bacteria while they freshen the breath.

It’s about time.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Chewing Gum and Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Home Cooking For Kid's Health

Vitamin C is an important vitamin for the body. Vitamin C helps the body immune system and helps the body detoxify itself.

Some home cooking may be required to get children to eat enough Vitamin C to meet the minimum standards. Children require a large amount of Vitamin C on a daily basis. Children with asthma have special requirements and need additional vitamin C to help protect the body from infection.

Just some simple home cooked recipes for children can provide the high level of Vitamin C that children require. Consuming a high level of Vitamin C daily for children is easy with these fruit and vegetable dishes that include scrumptious flavors. A one half cup serving of the Carrot Apple Raisin salad provides almost 1/2 the recommended daily allowance of the fruits and vegetables that children need.

Carrot Apple & Raisin Salad Ingredients:

*1 medium red apple, chopped

*1/4-cup raisins

*1 pound carrots, grated

*1 (8 ounce) container nonfat lemon yogurt


1. Chop Apples in your food processor

2: Process the carrots or grate them using a food grater

3. In a large bowl, combine all fruits ingredients

4. Add in the non-fat lemon yogurt

5. Mix thoroughly

6. Serve on a bed or romaine lettuce

Yield: 6 servings

A favorite home made recipe for children that is high in Vitamin C content is this Sweet Potato Casserole. This crunchy nutritious casserole can be eaten at almost anytime of the day. Who says you cannot eat vegetables that taste this good for breakfast.

Sweet Potatoes Casserole Extraordinaire


* 4 large sweet potatoes

* 1/2 tablespoons refined sugar

* 1/2 teaspoon of salt


*1/3-cup brown sugar

*1/2-cup chopped pecans

*2-tablespoons all-purpose flour

*1/4-cup butter or margarine, melted


Prepare Sweet Potatoes or Yams

1. Microwave unpeeled potatoes until tender

2. Wait until the potatoes cool then peel the skins off with your fingers

3. Combine potatoes, salt and sugar

4. Mash until smooth

Tip: To Microwave the sweet potatoes quickly place the sweet potatoes in a sandwich bag, poke small holes through the bag and the potatoes. Set microwave for potatoes.

Prepare Casserole:

1. Heat oven to 350°F.

2. Spray a 1-1/2 quart casserole dish with nonstick cooking spray.

3. Place mashed potatoes in the prepared casserole dish.

4. Prepare the topping in a separate bowl.

5. Combine brown sugar, chopped pecans, flour and melted butter.

6. Spread evenly over the Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

7. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the topping is golden brown.

You can serve with whipped cream. This is a delicious side dish that compliments baked pork chops or chicken. Sweet potatoes are a very rich source of vitamin C. The entire family will benefit from these healthy recipes.

Do you need Kid-Friendly Recipes? Christine Steendahl "The Menu Mom" invites you to visit Kid Approved Meals to pick up your personal 13 week breakfast and lunch menu designed just for children!

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Learn Infant Massage Techniques For A Better Bonding Experience

They say the best way to a baby’s heart is through his stomach, and although that’s certainly true, if you want the ultimate bonding experience with your baby, you need to learn and practice infant massage techniques.

Infant massage therapy is fairly new to the western world; however, it has actually been an accepted practice for centuries in many countries. Take India for example. In India, mothers not only massage their infants, they also massage all of the members of their family, while passing techniques on to their daughters.

So let’s get started on learning a little bit about infant massage techniques. Daily baby massage is a great way to strengthen your bond with your baby. It also promotes better sleep, relief of colic, and it boosts your baby’s immune system.

Start with a blanket or towel underneath your baby. Something soft and cuddly is preferred – terry is always nice. Make sure your massage oil is in a plastic container and do a spot test on baby’s skin. Wait 24 hours to see if there is any reaction. If there is no reaction, you are ready to start.

When your baby is quiet, yet alert, it is a good time to start your infant massage therapy. Avoid doing your baby massage just after feeding or when your infant is sleepy. Undress your baby down to the diaper, and then place on the blanket. Start with a gentle stroke from head to toe. If your baby cries or stiffens, note the body part and continue on. This will be your clue to avoid that part of the body. Okay, let’s move on to some individual infant massage techniques.

Hold your hand in a position that let’s the edge of your pinky finger make contact with your baby’s tummy. Start at the base of baby’s rib cage, then stroke down with your pinky on one hand and alternate pinkies.

Next, walk your fingers around the navel in a clockwise motion. Hold your baby’s knees and fit together. Then gently bend and press up into the abdomen a few times. Lastly, place your hand on the tummy and move your hand gently from one side to the next.

The next infant massage technique involves the head and face. You need to cradle your baby’s head in both hands massaging the scalp with your fingertips. Avoid the soft spot. Massage behind the ears using your thumbs and index finger. Place your thumbs between your baby’s eyebrows, and then gently stroke. Repeat over your baby’s closed eyelids, then down the bridge of the nose and over the cheeks.

Of course there are many different infant massage techniques, and we can’t possibly cover them all in our article, but we’ll cover some basics. The next baby massage is for the arms.

It’s a very simple one. You’ll hold your baby’s wrist with one hand and relax the upper arm by lightly tapping on it. Massage the palm moving your thumb over the heel of the hand down the fingers; then stroke from the shoulder down to the wrist massaging in both directions. Last, massage the wrist by moving your fingers in tiny circles. The steps for the legs are much like those for the arms.

Infant massage therapy works really well on the back. Place your baby on the tummy across your legs horizontally with the blanket underneath. Start the baby massage at the neck with both hands and then move down towards the buttocks making round circular motions with your fingertips. Work your way back to the starting point.

No matter which body part you are massaging, make sure the strokes are gentle but firm. Build the baby massage into your baby’s daily routine. Massages can last from 10 minutes up to 30 minutes, depending on baby’s mood. Watch his body language, and he will tell you when enough has been reached. Infant massage therapy is a powerful tool, and these infant massage techniques are just the start.

To have the ultimate bonding experience with your baby, you need to learn infant massage techniques. The infant massage techniques taught by Mellow Mommy are the powerful tools you need to make your baby a happy one.

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Genetic testing helps target cancer risks

HARRISON: One out of three people will develop cancer during their lifetime, and for Barbara Dobson of Cheswick, statistics struck early and hard.

The 43-year-old mother was diagnosed with late stage rectal cancer in September.

Since then, she has undergone several months of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, along with surgery to remove the malignant tumor from her digestive tract.

Dobson attends meetings of the HOPE support group every month at Allegheny Valley Hospital, which helps her to cope with her disease and ongoing treatment.

story continues below

HOPE is an acronym for help, optimism, peace and education.

The group of about 30 cancer patients, survivors and their relatives meets once each month at the hospital to share their experiences with cancer and to learn more about the disease.

Among the concerns often raised at support group meetings is that of hereditary, said Sue Kristine, a registered nurse in the radiation oncology department at the hospital and a breast cancer survivor.

Many group members ask what caused their cancer to develop, and they are concerned about what cancer risks their children and families might face, said Kristine, who is a coordinator for the support group.

To address these questions, Sheila Solomon, a genetic counselor from Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh spoke to the group Wednesday night.

Early next month, Solomon will be opening a monthly genetic counseling clinic at Armstrong County Memorial Hospital in East Franklin.

Genetic counseling is a new field that blends together cutting edge scientific technology with social work.

Genetic counselors are trained health professionals that help people to identify and understand what diseases they might pass on to their children and what they might inherit from their parents.

They empower their patients to make important and often emotional decisions such as whether to have more children or to seek preventative treatment for a disease.

To make her diagnosis, Solomon said she usually obtains her patients' family health history and may order blood tests to screen for specific disorders.

Solomon then interprets the complicated language of genetics into layman's terms so families can get practical information about their risk and how to find the support they need.

Cancer is caused by mistakes in the genetic code, but not all of these errors are passed along from generation to generation, Solomon told the HOPE support group.

In fact, just 5 percent to 10 percent of cancer is hereditary, Solomon said.

Solomon then held up a small plastic test tube containing a near-invisible blob of white goo that was a sample of her DNA.

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the body's instruction manual, and spelling errors in the manual known as mutations can cause cancer or other diseases. Large segments of DNA are called genes, which in turn, are linked together in strings called chromosomes.

In many cases, by analyzing the DNA of cancer patients and survivors, genetic counselors can determine whether the disease has been inherited.

Genetic testing isn't cheap.

For example, screens for mutations that increase the risk of breast cancer can cost thousands of dollars, although many health insurance carriers now pay for these tests, Solomon said.

All testing is confidential, and discrimination on the basis of genetic information is illegal under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Solomon said.

Rumors that insurance companies are using genetic information to deny coverage to patients or to raise their premiums so far have been unfounded, she said.

While genetic testing may reveal difficult information, it can help to alleviate uncertainty and lead to interventions that prevent cancer and other diseases when they still are curable, according to Solomon.

Joining Dobson at Wednesday's support group meeting to learn about genetic testing was her 34-year-old sister, Patty Maslanka of Shaler.

Both women said they didn't know much about the role of hereditary in cancer prior to Solomon's talk, but now they plan to look into whether there is an inherited link to the disease in their family.

Dobson, who had three hours of chemotherapy on Wednesday morning and still has 13 more treatment sessions scheduled, said genetic counseling may save her 22-year-old daughter, Heather, from experiencing the same pain she is going through.

Leukemia survivor Dom Pizoli, 73, also of Cheswick, agreed.

"I'm too old for it to do any good for me," said Pizoli, who underwent a bone marrow transplant seven years ago. "But my wife and I are going to pass this information along to our kids."

To learn more

Genetic counseling may be especially important for families who have:

# Many relatives who developed cancer at a young age.
# Multiple cancers occurring on the same side of the family.
# More than one type of cancer in one relative.
# Relatives with a rare type of cancer.
# It also can be helpful for couples who are planning a pregnancy.

For more information or to schedule an evaluation by the Cancer Genetics Program at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, call 412-359-8064.

A genetic counseling clinic also will open in early April at Armstrong County Memorial Hospital in East Franklin.

Jennifer Bails can be reached at or (412) 320-7991.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

High IQ - Intelligence

There is almost certainly a correlation between a high IQ score and being more intelligent. These test are imperfect, though, and you can find examples of cultural biases on many IQ tests. Also, there are specific test-taking skills that have been proven to raise scores on many tests, including IQ tests.

The last point makes sense, doesn't it? When you know how to efficiently "work" a test, you are likely to score higher. For that matter, even a cup of coffee may boost your score. Even the fact that your score can vary from test to test shows there are factors which can be manipulated to raise your score. There may be a general correlation between IQ score and intelligence, but certainly it's an imperfect one.

High IQ - Better Life

What evidence is there that people with higher intelligence have better lives or are happier? None that I am aware of, and how do you scientifically measure "better life?" How about a negative correlation? Many with a high IQ have committed suicide, such as Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, and Sylvia Plath, but this is just anecdotal. Various studies have shown that people with a high IQ AND a low IQ are slightly more likely to commit suicide, but even if these studies prove true, this doesn't prove causation, only correlation.

High IQ - Academic Performance

A study reported in the journal 'Psychological Science' found that IQ level correlated with academic performance, but there was a much stronger correlation with self discipline. Students with high self-discipline have better grades than high-IQ students. They found no correlation between IQ and discipline, meaning they are traits that vary independently.

High IQ - What Does It Mean?

Intelligence is an important tool, but it is just one of the tools we have to shape our lives with. As are money or power or abilities, it is beneficial in the abstract, but it only becomes beneficial in reality if applied in ways that better our lives. Raw computing capacity doesn't make a computer or a human more effective if they don't have the other necessary components.

Consider what people of average intelligence, like Henry Ford, have accomplished, before you place too much emphasis on a high IQ.

By: Steve Gillman

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Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on High IQ, and to get the Brainpower Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

What Radical Mesothelioma Treatments Are Available?

Current radical mesothelioma treatments include chemotherapy treatments, radiation treatments, surgical treatments and experimental therapies and drugs. Research news reports the limited success of present treatments for Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma research news indicates that traditional treatments viz. single or multi-drug chemotherapy has a response rate of about 20%. Radiation treatments, usually used in conjunction with surgery or chemotherapy treatments can relieve pain and shrink tumors, making breathing easier. However, radiation treatments can also cause severe side effects.

Efforts To Combat Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma can take between ten and sixty years to develop after inhalation of respirable asbestos fibers, but Mesothelioma progresses fast. Radical surgeries as mesothelioma treatments have had limited success. Surgical treatments attempted include extra-pleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and pleurectomy.

Treatment news indicates that in EPP over 15% patients die soon after surgery. EPP involves removal of pleura, diaphragm, pericardium, part of the phrenic nerve and the entire tumor-affected lung and has to be supported by chemotherapy or radiation.

The pleurectomy treatments involve removal of the pleura without removing the whole lung. These treatments are best in patients with good lung expansion who tend to accumulate fluid. In combination with radiation pleurectomy is reported in treatment news to have given 22-month survival in 50% and 24-month survival in 41% cases in a 27-patient group with mesothelioma of the epithelial subtype.

Surgical treatments of mesothelioma have not been shown to offer significant advantages over the limited non-surgical treatments. Experimental drugs under evaluation include treatments by Onconase, Lovastatin and an Endostatin and angiostatin combination.

The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America is funding research on mesothelioma cure. The USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles has completed Phase I Clinical Trials on a new mesothelioma treatment drug called Veglin.

Phase II Clinical trials of Veglin have begun in July 2004, opening exciting treatment possibilities for mesothelioma victims.

Jon Butt publishes With the web being packed with mis-information is a leading free resource of Mesothelioma support, advice and legal help along with alternative remedies, natural supplements and more. Helping both you and your loved ones

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How You Can Live to 100 & Enjoy Life

What would it be like to live to 100? If your thoughts are of ill-health and sickness, then think again. Research into longevity has shown some surprising results.

In Abkhasia, in the former Russian Republic, men and women regularly live to ages well past 100 whilst retaining their health and mental abilities.

In a society where illness is uncommon and it is normal for a 100 year old man to live a healthy life, feeling both mentally and physically fit.

What's their Secret?

In a society where there's no stress and retirement is unknown, people continue living valuable lives, contributing to the family farm or garden, whatever their age. Older people are valued for their age alone - whatever their social status - achieving an old age is revered and honoured.

In fact, there is an annual celebration, the Day of the Long Living People, is a day dedicated to celebrating and honoring the elderly.

In a society where it's an insult to be told you look young, people are inclined to lie about their age, by adding years to make themselves seem older than they actually are.

Life is celebrated. Nowhere is this seen more than in songs and dance - with songs sung communally whilst in the fields working or by the bedside of a dying relative.

What about diet?

Almost everything the Abkhasians eat is fresh - fresh fruit, vegetables and berries, when in season. Fermented milk, cornmeal porridge, nuts and a very small amount of meat make up the rest of the diet.

Although they live very active lives, their calorie intake is less than 2000 calories per day - which has been shown to improve longevity.

What does this mean for us?

For Western society, age is associated with uselessness and ill health. For the Abkhasians, its meaning is quite different - they look forward to a long and useful life and being a valued member of society.

About the Author

Retired and financial concerns that often accompany it.

Find out more about using anti-aging skin care, and over 50's ailments, health and beauty.

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10 Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking

Have you seen the Truth commercials? Here are some more harmful effects of cigarette smoking.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #1: Yellow Teeth. Cigarette smoking will stain your teeth a dirty yellow/brown color. You can kiss your smile goodbye, once you've smoked cigarettes for too long.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #2: Infant death. Smoking during pregnancy can cause birth defects or death in a child. This is called Baby Colic.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #3: Cancer. 43 chemicals found in cigarette smoke have been clinically proven to cause cancer. Not only lung cancer, but mouth, bladder, and throat as well. Each pack of cigarettes is equivalent to 1 chest x-ray.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #4: Skin discoloration. Long-term smokers showed dull, grayish skin discoloration with deeper lines and wrinkles.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #5: Expenses. Smoking cigarettes can cost people tens of thousands a dollars a year.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #6: Pollution. Smoke from cigarettes contributes to world pollution, and many chemicals found in cigarette smoke aren't allowed in United States landfills.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #7: Gum disease and other oral problems.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #8: Smoking cigarettes can raise the likelihood that one will develop cataracts - capable of causing blindness.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #9: Infection. A smoker's body will be more likely to develop an infection in an open wound, as the immune system can be damaged.

Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking #10: Early menopause. This stops the menstruation cycle in a woman. After menopause, a woman can't give birth.

Those are just 10 of the many harmful effects of cigarette smoking. There are thousands of reasons to quit if you smoke, and thousands of ways to do it.

If you smoke, or someone you care about still smokes, then this may be the most important guide you will ever read – Quit Smoking Now!

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A Cool Tool For Mom - Infant Massage!

There are so many benefits to using infant massage with your baby.

An Infant massage relaxes and soothes:
Not only will your baby feel relaxed so will you! Nurturing touch is a naturally rewarding way to relieve stress for both you and your baby. It has been proven that touch decreases the levels of Cortisol (stress hormone) in our bodies. Cortisol is always present in our bloodstream, but high levels of this hormone can be found in our bodies during times of extreme stress.

Deepens Bonding:
Infant Massages provides you with essential one-on-one time that will enhance your family bonding, understanding and ability to nurture. Oxytocin is released in both the giver and receiver's body during massage. Also known as the hormone of love, Oxytocin is our feel good hormone. This hormone helps to provide us with loving, nurturing feelings which helps us to bond. An increased production of Oxytocin occurs for mothers during labor and breastfeeding. Research now shows that even close physical contact and nurturing touch also stimulates Oxytocin production. Great news for all of the dads out there who didn't give birth to their baby, you can still produce the same hormones through the use of loving touch.

Improves Communication:
Touch is our very first form of communication. So you can assume that communicating through touch enhances your natural ability to understand your baby's special needs and respond with appropriate care. Through the use of infant massage your sensitivity and confidence in understanding your baby's unique cues and forms of communication is increased. Picking up your baby when they cry is not going to spoil them. When babies receive attentive responses to their needs they grow to become healthier and more secure in adulthood.

Contributes to Development:
Growth and healthy development of your baby's body, mind and spirit are stimulated. Massaged babies gain healthy weight better than babies who do not receive massage. Additionally, nurturing touch helps to enhance the digestion process. The systems of the body are stimulated during massage which assists in the absorption of nutrients and elimination of what is not needed. For some babies infant massage has also been shown to be effective at reducing the symptoms associated with Colic.

Helps Baby to Sleep Better:
Not only does massage help your baby to release stress which builds daily from new experiences, it allows them to relax. During this special time both you and your baby have time to relax. Massaging your baby helps your little one to sleep deeper and for longer periods of time which can translate into you being able to sleep longer as well!

Through massage you will not only increase your loving, nurturing bonds with your baby, you will assist in their healthy and happy development!

Copyright (c) 2007 Liddle Kidz™ Infant and Children's Pediatric Massage

Looking for tips and step-by-step techniques to improve your child's healthy development? Find answers to all your questions about infant massage and children’s massage at and Infant Massage Instructor Trainer with the International Association of Infant Massage Tina Allen, founder of leading children’s health and nurturing touch organization Liddle Kidz, shares over ten years of expertise working with children and families.

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Baby - Infant Massage

Baby massage is a wonderful practice with numerous benefits for both baby and parents. Adults love to be massaged, and babies are no different. Just as therapeutic massage sooths ailments and promotes health in adults, baby massage will increase your baby’s well being. The benefits of baby massage are physical, mental and extend to both the baby and parent.

The physical, mental and emotional benefits of baby massage give baby a great start in life. The caring touch of a father and mother is proven to stimulate a baby’s growth. The touching and massaging stimulates the release of growth-promoting hormones and increases the enzymes that make cells respond to these hormones. This is why infant humans and animals won’t grow unless touched by their parents. Besides general growth, brain growth is also traced back to tender touch. The current belief is that touch or massage promotes the development of myelin which insulates neurons and makes nerve impulses travel faster. So, you can actually make your baby smarter through massage. Digestion is another part that benefits by the enhanced secretion of digestive hormones. This is good news for parents with colicky babies as frequent massage can relieve the symptoms. The mental benefits include improved behavior and self-esteem. Massaged babies sleep easier at night and are less fussy because touch settles them down. As for the self-esteem, even adults benefit in this sense from being loved and touched, so it makes sense that babies would, too.

On that note, the benefits of baby massage extend to the parents. It’s great for dads for periodically absent mothers (i.e. working moms) to connect and reconnect with their infant. It breaks down barriers by establishing a trusting relationship between parent and child and is ideal for jump starting that relationship.

Grant Carroll proud father and co-owner of with Baby Clothes and Baby T-Shirts

Also visit Little Pampered Pets where you can find boutique quality Dog Clothes and Small Dog Sweaters

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Making Toothpaste: A Fun Activity for Kids

Are you looking for a fun activity that might be educational, too? Looking for a fun way to get kids to brush their teeth? Are you looking for just a fun activity? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you might want to try your hand at making toothpaste.

Materials Needed:

baking soda
food flavoring extract
sandwich bags

Place baking soda, salt, and water in separate bowls. Assist the children in placing 4 teaspoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of water in individual sandwich bags. Add a drop of food flavoring extract, such as peppermint, mint, or orange. Let the children mix their own toothpaste in the sandwich bags.

This activity is appropriate for children aged 6 and up. Always be sure to provide adult supervision. Whether you are a parent or a teacher who would like to utilize this activity, please also make sure that none of the children are allergic to any of the ingredients used in making the toothpaste.

The educational benefits of this activity include engaging students so they will apply math concepts such as measuring, counting, and critical thinking. Some sample questions to ask the children: How many teaspoons did you use all together in making the toothpaste? Does the salt and the baking soda taste the same? How does the toothpaste taste? A variation of flavoring extracts can also be used. The kids could compare the different flavors, and then graph accordingly.

For more family involvement, the kids might be allowed to match the type of flavoring with flavors sold in stores when the kids accompany parents during grocery shopping.

Whether "Making Toothpaste" is used as a family activity or a classroom activity, its overall objective remains the same: to have fun. So, regardless of the reason why you might choose to use this activity, please remember to have fun with it.

© C. M. Clifton

C. M. Clifton is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writing.

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Increase Your Sales Conversion Rate to Up Your Profits

There are several important parts of increasing sales conversion rates for sales pages. Some of these parts include improving sales copy, adding psychological triggers, adding multiple calls to action, and improving the appearance of the actual sales page. If all of these factors are tuned correctly, your sales page should convert well.

Consider using high pressure sales tactics to increase your sales conversion rate. For instance, use mechanisms like timers, and fly-ins to give one time offers to your visitors. Use the color red to build pressure. Include hype and triggers all throughout your headline to pull in prospects and make them feel as if they have to make a purchase.

Sometimes something as simple as changing colors can significantly improve your sales conversion rate on a given sales page. For instance, blue and especially dark blue has been shown to increase the amount of time visitors spend on each page; and has also been shown to relax people. If you have a low-pressure sales page, you may want to employ blue wherever possible.

Find a forum of people in your given niche. Post on that forum that you are looking for reviewers for your product. For everyone who is interested, provide them with a free copy of your software or book and then ask them to give you feedback, whether it ends up being good or bad. Use the good feedback as testimonials if the reviewers allow you to do so. This will increase your sales conversion rates.

Consider improving your sales conversion rates by carefully syncing your traffic sources with your landing pages. For instance, if you are pulling traffic for a specific keyword, you will want to sync that group of buyers to a specific sales page or autoresponder series on your site that lines up with what the group might want to purchase most.

Looking for more info on sales conversion? Click now for more latest info on Sales Conversion Rate or visit

Christopher Wen is Owner of where he provides essential internet marketing tips, guides, product reviews and tools for your business needs. Sign up for the KnowledgeWealth eZine now to get 5 IM Power Pack and essential internet marketing tips delivered to your mailbox.

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Alternative Medicine and Disease Prevention

Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care, and Massage Therapy are available to every member of our society. Each of these therapies have been proven to improve our life and our health. Yet, very few of us have ever undertaken a serious course of Alternative Medicine, let alone a regular course of each. They can be a beneficial, and relatively inexpensive, adjunct in your pursuit of excellent health.

The key to understanding and using these alternative medicines properly is to understand that they are preventative of disease, and contributive to energy. Thinking of these therapies the same way that you think of mainstream medicine will only give you the results that mainstream medicine has.

Whether you have or haven't explored these areas, you will definitely need a professional opinion in terms of how to properly access these alternative fields of medicine and how to receive the most benefit to your health. Each one of these disciplines carries an important means in addressing the currents which control our health.

Discovering which to use, when to use them, and how to use them, is a step by step process. The empowering effects of these healing arts are criticized and unduly insulted in medical offices to this day. Unfortunately, these critical physicians are often not familiar with the annals of research in the other fields.

It is sad that the 'real' doctor of today is educated entirely by the pharmaceutical industry, and would prescribe dangerous drugs before exploring the power of these emerging arts. Even more unfortunately, this leaves the patient without any authoritative guidance as to how to explore the world of Alternative Medicine.

As we consider different health issues, we should also consider which of these alternative care disciplines you should enlist to assist you. Research thoroughly how to select an alternative care doctor and how to receive as much assistance as you can without affecting your pocket book. These disciplines are, in many cases, not any more expensive than mainstream efforts to achieve a health goal . Explore what you feel you'd prefer to avoid in the alternative health field, what you'd be comfortable with accepting, and how to find a medical doctor who is educated well in alternative medicines.

Disease Prevention

Disease Prevention is a popular phrase and a poorly followed principle. The problem we have, as a society, with the concept of disease prevention is that there is nothing exciting about it. If you consider eating healthy and living right only as a means to prevent disease, you'll never be excited enough to follow it up properly.

The only people who become excited about preventing disease are usually people who already have a disease.

The most effective manner of motivating yourself towards healthy living is to understand how it will bring you closer to a stronger, more energetic person than the one you are today. Using prevention only to prevent disease is both dull and pessimistic. Using the tools you've associated with prevention to bring you more strength and vitality can make it exciting and can show you new pleasures in life.

If you can fathom that the same lifestyle you had when you were young is attainable now, this might make the alternative principles of disease prevention a little more interesting to you.

What is important to understand is that alternative principles, such as Vitalism, are a source of rejuvenation, can restore energy, and can even bring energy to a person who has never had strong energy levels. These principles, often associated with helping eliminate or reduce disease prevention, should be followed until an individual has achieved an ideal state of health in their life.

About the Author:

To learn more about Alternative Medicine and Disease Prevention, please feel free to visit Dr. Bryan Brodeur's VitalityHouse.

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Coffee Helps Reducing Diabetes Risk - Study

Coffee helps in reducing diabetes risk amongst pre-diabetics for about 60%, according to a current study from the University of California at San Diego. The study is the first to enlarge proof on diabetes risk lessening to that already glucose bigoted, a precursor to full-blown diabetes.

Published in the November issue of Diabetes Care, the study exposed that best gourmet coffee provide protection at the same, major levels for those commencement the review with high fasting glucose levels, stating pre-existing glucose bigotry, as it did for those with usual levels. In fact, those with eminent glucose levels showed a lower risk of rising diabetes than those initiating out with common glucose tolerance. Reduced Risk Past or present coffee drinking resulted in a diabetes risk issue of 0.39 on a scale where 1.0 is average risk in the universal population. That means risk was condensed in coffee drinkers for about 62%.

Uncovering the first proof, which coffee as well decreases diabetes risk among pre-diabetics, the risk level came in still lower level, at 0.31, for the subgroup with impaired glucose. That means pre-diabetics condensed their risk of mounting the disease by almost 70%. These results were self-governing of age, sex, and work out, body mass index, smoking status, every day alcohol intake, and hypertension. Unlike other studies, they were as well sovereign of the number of cups of coffee consumed on a daily basis. 555479

Methodology – Further the study team, led by Besa Smith, engaged a review planned not used in previous research on coffee and diabetes. The team first separated those with harmful versus usual glucose levels using an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). In this way, coffee’s defensive result could be assessing unconnectedly for every group. The researchers completed the study with a second OGTT to make sure correctness in diagnosing those who had developed diabetes.

The study further followed 910 non-diabetic adults for about an average of eight years. Of that group, 593 had usual glucose at the beginning stage of the study and 317 had glucose intolerance. Coffee drinkers drank about an average of 2.8 cups per day.

Adam Akelis is a professional copywriter who has a sound knowledge on coffee all time favorite drink. Not only Adam, there is lot of coffee lovers all over the world interested on coffee intake. To know more on coffee, its types roasted coffee, gourmet coffee and its benefits visit and to contact Adam Akelis

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Alcohol Cravings - Discover How Kudzu Can Reduce Them

In this article you will discover:

* What kudzu is
* How kudzu can help reduce your alcohol cravings
* How much kudzu to take to reduce your alcohol cravings

What Is Kudzu?

Do you have a problem with alcohol?

Do you want to stop but find the alcohol cravings too strong?

Well, there is an herb called kudzu which is known to help decrease alcohol cravings dramatically.

The Kudzu root has been traditionally used in Chinese cooking as a thickener in stews and soups, so it is quiet safe to consume.

Kudzu has similar compounds to soya. It contains the beneficial health properties formononetin and daidzein.

How Does Kudzu Help Reduce Your Alcohol Cravings?

The beneficial health properties of kudzu have been known to the Chinese for thousands of years, especially for alcohol related problems.

Kudzu extracts can:

* Dramatically reduce your alcohol cravings
* Help to sober you up
* Help to inhibit your alcohol consumption

Tests have indicated that the daidzein could be the compound which helps to reduce your alcohol cravings. How Much Kudzu Do You Need To Take To Reduce Your Alcohol Cravings?

Kudzu is quiet safe to take. If you take 150mg of kudzu in supplement form, three times a day with your meal, it may well help to reduce your alcohol cravings.

So, to sum up…

Kudzu is a safe herb whose root is used in Chinese cooking.

It is known that the extracts of kudzu can reduce alcohol cravings dramatically.

So, if you are suffering from alcohol cravings and want to reduce them, taking kudzu in a supplement form with your meal would be a safe way to help reduce your alcohol cravings.

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

Download 'How To Beat Alcohol Problems Naturally' Free E-book


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Stewart Hare - EzineArticles Expert Author

Coffee and Blood Pressure

Confusion surrounding caffeine's effect on blood pressure is long-standing. It was initially thought to decrease blood pressure but later believed to increase it. More than a dozen studies in the late eighty's concluded that coffee does not generate a constant rise in blood pressure. Individuals who do not frequently drink caffeine may experience a small rise in blood pressure when they are exposed to caffeine, but tolerance develops quickly and blood pressure returns to baseline.

Recent studies on subjects with standard blood pressure verify these conclusions. An experiment in moderate coffee drinkers showed that moderate every day utilization of coffee does not raise blood pressure measured in an outpatient health center. A second experiment in customary coffee drinkers showed that caffeine supplements produced a little rise in ambulatory blood pressure, which returned to routine following three days. A third experiment in habitual coffee drinkers showed that abstention from caffeine for 9 weeks had no consequence on blood pressure.

Similar effects of caffeine have been seen in hypertensive subjects. In trials, caffeine administrated to hypertensive subjects raised systolic blood pressure but this result was no longer observed past the first 24 hours. In testing there were no effects on blood pressure of drinking caffeinated coffee or abstention in patients with borderline or slight hypertension.

In a cohort analysis of hypertensive subjects, there were no links between caffeine utilization and all-cause or cardiovascular disease mortality. Therefore there is no proof in hypertensive subjects of a continued effect of caffeine use on either blood pressure or greater than before death rates from cardiovascular disease.

Research into the effects of coffee intake on blood pressure has continued and it can be said that coffee intake is in general not considered to be a critical risk factor for hypertension.

For more information about coffee please visit Full City

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Hospice Home Care

The contemporary hospice offers a comprehensive program of care to patients and families facing a life threatening illness. Hospice is primarily a concept of care, not a specific place of care. Hospice emphasizes palliative care, rather than curing; quality rather than quantity of life. Hospice care is provided to patients who have a limited life expectancy. Although most hospice patients are cancer patients, hospices accept anyone regardless of age or type of illness. These patients have also made a decision to spend their last months at home or in a homelike setting.

Hospice care is a choice that is made to enhance life for a dying person. In hospices multi-disciplinary teams strive to offer freedom from pain, dignity, peace and calm at the end of life. Hospice affirms life and regards dying as a normal process. Hospice neither hastens nor postpones death. A person with a terminal disease may choose to die at home with the support of family, friends, and caring professionals. Hospice care emphasizes comfort measures and counseling to provide social, spiritual and physical support to the dying patient and his or her family. All hospice care is under professional medical supervision. Over 90% of hospice care is provided in the patient's home.

The physical pain arising from a terminal illness may be debilitating, frightening and dehumanizing. Hospice providers have the skills and resources to allow the person to live as pain-free, as comfortable, and as full a life as possible. In addition to providing for the physical comfort of the dying person, hospice provides social and spiritual support for the patient and his or her family. This support takes the form of time-off for the primary caregiver, personal care, nutritional counseling, pastoral counseling, grief counseling, and help with legal and funeral arrangements. Other issues that need to be considered are power of attorney arrangements, and the right to die, including voluntary euthanasia.

If you are the carer you will need to ensure that you work and communicate effectively with the patient; support the patient’s spiritual interests; assist with finalising the patient’s unfinished affairs; work alongside health professionals; work closely with family and friends and most important - to consider your own needs and feelings. You will need to support the patient's efforts to deal with the reality of the prognosis emotionally, including attempts by the patient to protect loved ones from what is really happening.

When considering hospice care remember that the nature of dying is unique that the goal of a hospice team is to be sensitive and responsive to the special requirements of each individual and family.

Gay Redmile is the webmaster of several sites based around this sensitive issue. For the latest information and resources regarding Hospice Care - visit her site at or visit one of her other wellbeing sites at: or

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Teen Obesity

Obesity is not a condition where an individual is simply eating too much. Obesity is now acknowledged as a grave disease that is chronic. It is prevalent in all regions of the world without any race, gender, or ethnicity bias. However, it is seen to be more widespread in developed countries; in the United States, it has assumed alarming proportions. It is saddening to note that there has also been a rise in case of teen obesity in the country.

In just two decades, the percent of obese teens has almost tripled. Almost fifteen percent more teens border between being overweight and obese. Obesity is found to be a common eating disorder in teenagers and adolescents, as they generally do not follow a proper eating schedule and prefer ready-made food to the home cooked healthier food.

Manifestation of health problems due to obesity is lesser in teens than in adults. However, overweight teens are at high risk of becoming overweight adults. Hence, it is important to nip the problem in the bud itself and ensure that steps are taken to lessen obesity, and make them slimmer and healthier.

Obesity in teens is found to result in weakening of their physical health, making them lethargic and restricted to indoor activities. It also leads to social disability, loneliness, and unhappiness. They are generally found to be without friends and find it difficult to make new associations. Weight problem typically weighs at the back of their mind, which makes them introverts. This makes the teen stressed and leads to severe complications such as stress and mental illness. Studies have shown that obese teens are prone to physical bullying as both victims and perpetrators, which could lead to serious mental complications in adult life.

It is important for teenagers to develop a personal identity and positive body image. Hence, it is advisable to talk to trusted adults for working out a schedule to reduce excess weight.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Obesity In Children And Teens

The problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese. Obesity is among the easiest medical conditions to recognize but most difficult to treat. Unhealthy weight gain due to poor diet and lack of exercise is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year. The annual cost to society for obesity is estimated at nearly $100 billion. Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise.

What is obesity?
A few extra pounds do not suggest obesity. However they may indicate a tendency to gain weight easily and a need for changes in diet and/or exercise. Generally, a child is not considered obese until the weight is at least 10 percent higher than what is recommended for the height and body type. Obesity most commonly begins in childhood between the ages of 5 and 6, and during adolescence. Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of 10 and 13 has an 80 percent chance of becoming an obese adult.

What causes obesity?
The causes of obesity are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioral and cultural factors. Basically, obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the body burns up. If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that the children will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, the children have an 80 percent chance of being obese. Although certain medical disorders can cause obesity, less than 1 percent of all obesity is caused by physical problems. Obesity in childhood and adolescence can be related to:

* poor eating habits
* overeating or binging
* lack of exercise (i.e., couch potato kids)
* family history of obesity
* medical illnesses (endocrine, neurological problems)
* medications (steroids, some psychiatric medications)
* stressful life events or changes (separations, divorce, moves, deaths, abuse)
* family and peer problems
* low self-esteem
* depression or other emotional problems

What are risks and complications of obesity?
There are many risks and complications with obesity. Physical consequences include:

* increased risk of heart disease
* high blood pressure
* diabetes
* breathing problems
* trouble sleeping

Child and adolescent obesity is also associated with increased risk of emotional problems. Teens with weight problems tend to have much lower self-esteem and be less popular with their peers. Depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder can also occur.

How can obesity be managed and treated?
Obese children need a thorough medical evaluation by a pediatrician or family physician to consider the possibility of a physical cause. In the absence of a physical disorder, the only way to lose weight is to reduce the number of calories being eaten and to increase the child's or adolescent's level of physical activity. Lasting weight loss can only occur when there is self-motivation. Since obesity often affects more than one family member, making healthy eating and regular exercise a family activity can improve the chances of successful weight control for the child or adolescent.

Ways to manage obesity in children and adolescents include:

* start a weight-management program
* change eating habits (eat slowly, develop a routine)
* plan meals and make better food selections (eat less fatty foods, avoid junk and fast foods)
* control portions and consume less calories
* increase physical activity (especially walking) and have a more active lifestyle
* know what your child eats at school
* eat meals as a family instead of while watching television or at the computer
* do not use food as a reward
* limit snacking
* attend a support group (e.g., Weight Watchers, Overeaters Anonymous)

Obesity frequently becomes a lifelong issue. The reason most obese adolescents gain back their lost pounds is that after they have reached their goal, they go back to their old habits of eating and exercising. An obese adolescent must therefore learn to eat and enjoy healthy foods in moderate amounts and to exercise regularly to maintain the desired weight. Parents of an obese child can improve their child's self esteem by emphasizing the child's strengths and positive qualities rather than just focusing on their weight problem.

When a child or adolescent with obesity also has emotional problems, a child and adolescent psychiatrist can work with the child's family physician to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Such a plan would include reasonable weight loss goals, dietary and physical activity management, behavior modification, and family involvement.
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Hospice helped dying man lose his virginity

A young disabled man who receives care for his life-limiting illness at a hospice run by a nun spoke yesterday of his decision to use a prostitute to experience sex before he dies.

Sister Frances Dominica gave her support to 22-year-old Nick Wallis, who was born with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Sufferers usually die by their thirties.

Mr Wallis told staff at the Douglas House hospice in Oxford that he wanted to experience sexual intercourse. He explained that he had hoped to form an intimate and loving relationship with a woman, but his disability had acted as a barrier.

He told The Daily Telegraph: "It was a decision two years in the making and I discussed it with my carers and my parents. Telling my mother and father was the hardest part, but in the end they gave me their support.
Telegraph - TravelShop

"There are many aspects of life that an able-bodied person takes for granted but from which I am excluded.

"I had hoped to form a relationship when I went to university, but it didn't happen. I had to recognise that if was to experience sex I would have to pay for it out of my savings. My mind was made up before I discussed it with anyone else."

The hospice staff, after taking advice from a solicitor, the clergy and health care professionals, decided to help him.

"I found an advert from a sex worker in a magazine for the disabled," said Mr Wallis. "The initial contact was by email and then by phone."

It was arranged for the prostitute to visit his home in Northampton. "My parents went out," he said.

"It was not emotionally fulfilling, but the lady was very pleasant and very understanding. I do not know whether I would do it again. I would much rather find a girlfriend, but I have to be realistic."

Mr Wallis has decided to talk in public about his decision as part of the BBC documentary series about life inside Douglas House and its associated hospice for children, Helen House.

"I have done so in order that people may understand the issues that face people in my situation. I suppose some people may be judgmental."

He said he did not discuss his decision directly with Sister Frances, who founded the two hospices. "But I know she gave me her support."

Sister Frances described Mr Wallis as "delightful, intelligent and aware young man".

"I know that some people will say 'You are a Christian foundation. What are you thinking about?'. But we are here for all faiths and none," she said.

"It is not our job to make moral decisions for our guests. We came to the conclusion that it was our duty of care to support Nick emotionally and to help ensure his physical safety."

Mr Wallis's story can be seen on The Children of Helen House, BBC2, 10pm Tuesday.Article Source

Movie Review: SiCKO

As a lefty liberal, I like Michael Moore. As a journalist (I have more creds than just a blog, I swear), not so much. Lucky for me he’s making movies for the masses and not writing for The Washington Post. Otherwise, he’d have been shut down years ago. Instead, we can enjoy his films for what they are - films that while maybe not full of “truthiness” will make people talk and think.

As Moore state in the film, SiCKO is not actually about people who don’t have health care in America. It’s more about people who DO have health insurance and get screwed by it. People who pay the premiums and deductibles and still get denied care. In America, we like to get what we pay for, but when it comes to insurance it doesn’t seem to work that way.

He tells the stories of an older couple who have gone bankrupt paying for medical treatment for heart attacks and cancer, even though they have good jobs with good insurance. The middle-aged woman who’s brain tumor was considered not a medical emergency and died. The young woman who’s surgery was paid for by her insurance and then payment was revoked when it was revealed that she had not disclosed a previous yeast infection when applying for insurance.

Moore reports in the movie that he received over 2500 emails from people with stories about the horrors of health insurance - many of them from people who work in the insurance industry. The most stand-out story was that of Linda Peno, a former medical reviewer (the person in charge of deciding who gets what care) for the Humana HMO. Ms. Peno stated in a congressional review:

I wish to begin by making a public confession. In the spring of 1987, I caused the death of a man. Although this was known to many people, I have not been taken before any court of law or called to account for this in any professional or public forum. In fact, just the opposite occurred. I was rewarded for this. It brought me an improved reputation in my job and contributed to my advancement afterwards. Not only did I demonstrate that I could do what was asked, expected of me, I exemplified the good company employee. I saved a half a million dollars.

It may be no secret that insurance companies are for-profit businesses and saving money is their game. After all, we’re a capitalist society. But is this the right way to go? Moore points out our socialized fire and police protection. Our free schools. Free libraries. Why not free, government-controlled health care?

Most are quick to point out Canada’s socialized medicine and how it’s just…bad. Long wait times to see doctors and get procedures done. Sub-par professionals and facilities. In the movie, Moore visits some Canadians and speaks with them about their speed and quality of care. The Canadians he spoke with were happy with both. He also spoke with British and French people about their socialized medicine and American ex-pats in England and France about their care. All of those countries got glowing reviews.

Of course, this is the sort of thing one sees in a Moore movie that one might need to take with a grain of salt. Is the Canadian health system really as good as Moore would have us believe? When every review is glowing one has got to assume there were several opinions left on the cutting-room floor.

Two examples of rebuttals for this film come from The Associated Press and Kurt Loder of MTV News. The AP article is sort of rubbish - while it points out that Moore inflates numbers a bit in the film (reporting 50 million uninsured in the U.S. as opposed to 44.8 million, for example) when you’re dealing in millions of lives the rebuttal is sort of moot. Whether it’s 50 million or 44.8 million uninsured, or $800 million given to health insurance companies from a Medicare bill or $729 million…it’s all still too much.

Moore also points out that American is 37th in the world in terms of health care. The AP points out that Canada is 30th. Loder is quick to point out flaws in the Canadian and French systems.

It doesn’t matter what rank Canada has or how French is bungling their medicine. When it comes to actual health care resources, America is top-notch. Doctors come here to train and dignitaries come here for procedures. Unlike Ottowa’s “one chemo machine,” the American health care infrastructure is in place. Moreover, since we’re the last modern western country to delve in to socialized medicine we’re able to assess all other failed and successful systems and create one to meet our needs.

But can we? Will we? Can we afford it? For my small company, it costs roughly $800/mo to insure one family of three and about $200/mo to insure a single person. This is before any out-of-pocket costs, of course (one employee reports having to pay about $5000 out-of-pocket in 2006 when his family of 2 became a family of 3). The auto industry is crumbling largely in part to the increasing cost of health care for current and retired employees. People are paying for health care in one form or another, so why not alleviate those personal and industry costs and put the money towards a more greater and fair use? One of the interviewees (from England) in Moore’s movie makes a seriously strong point - if the government can find money to kill people, why can’t it find money to help people? If it costs my company an extra $300 per month in taxes instead of $200 a month in premiums to keep me insured under a government plan and I am guaranteed never to be denied any health care, how could I argue with that?
We’ve all got tales of being screwed by health insurance. I was lucky enough to be brought up under one of America’s best health insurance plans as the child of a union auto worker. I never had to fight for any sort of care. But, when I was 18 (still under my dad’s insurance as I was in college), I was diagnosed with Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD). Before I got treatment, I was to the point where I had to drink my dinner through a straw because I couldn’t open my mouth wide enough or have the power to chew. TMJD treatment, which can be long and expensive whether you have it surgically corrected or corrected through orthodontics, is not covered under most health insurance including mine. Lucky for me, my college fund was supplemented with scholarships and my folks were financially well-off to just bite the bullet and pay for treatment. I was extremely lucky to have been diagnosed at the right time in my life. Had it happened today, no matter what my health insurance status, I’d have been in serious, serious debt.

As everyone grows and goes through the working world, we are all in fear of losing health care or losing health. This is our future and it seems hopeless. SiCKO points out that in other countries, government fears the people while in America the people fear the government. In America we’re strapped by debt and fear of not being able to get or stay healthy. We’re apathetic and scared and we don’t vote. We don’t discuss. We don’t rebel.

SiCKO will hopefully turn American thought and discussion back from a losing war in the Middle East to the very real and very domestic problem of American health care reform. Moore’s ideas and presentations might not serve as a good template for what can or should be done but SiCKO is definitely a movie worth seeing and hopefully starts the ball rolling on discussions about what can be done.
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Thursday, July 12, 2007

America’s Health Insurance Plans CEO Karen Ignagni Responds To Michael Moore’s SiCKO.

Michael Moore On CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta: "He's Not Telling the Truth"

Every time Michael Moore appears on CNN, they run a report on Anderson Cooper 360 or The Situation Room trying to rip him apart. It's as if they realize that Moore is too big a story to ignore so they'd better cover him, but his ideas are too troubling to the status quo, so we better also try to discredit them. As Gupta tries to defend his clearly biased report by claiming Moore has "cherry-picked" his numbers (a typical tactic employed by Moore's right-wing detractors), Moore explains that all of his figures are from 2007 and were generated from President Bush's Health and Human Services. Favorite moments: When Larry King called Gupta's report "kinda balanced", and when Moore totally shut Gupta up by pointing out that the CNN logo covered up the Cuba figures Gupta claims Moore was trying to conceal in his film. Later on, (not in the video to your right), Gupta complains that Moore makes it seem like universal health care would cost Americans nothing, even though the film clearly points out that tax money pays for these systems. Gupta apparently can't give movie audiences enough credit to understand such a simple fact. Anyway, check out the video to your right for more.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How Long Will You Live? A Longevity Calculator

Here’s a quick quiz and calculator that will tell you how long you are projected to live. I made it to 94. calc

Musicians with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a diagnosis in psychiatry referring to periods of extreme, often inappropriate, and sometimes unpredictable mood states.

Many famous people are believed to have been affected by bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression), based on evidence in their own writings and contemporaneous accounts by those who knew them.

It is often suggested that genius (or, at least, creative talent) and mental disorder are linked and numerous studies have suggested that there is a correlation between creativity and bipolar disorder, although it is unclear what the relationship is between the two.

Former Surgeon General Was Muzzled, Censored By Bush Administration

Richard Carmona served as President Bush’s first Surgeon General from 2002-2006. Today he spoke before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and revealed that political appointees in the Bush administration muzzled him on key issues such as “stem cell research, contraceptives and his misgivings about the administration’s embrace of ‘abstinence-only’ sex education”:

[A]lthough most Americans believe that their Surgeon General has the ability to impact the course of public health as “the nation’s doctor,” the reality is that the nation’s doctor has been marginalized and relegated to a position with no independent budget, and with supervisors who are political appointees with partisan agendas. Anything that doesn’t fit into the political appointees’ ideological, theological, or political agenda is ignored, marginalized, or simply buried.

Watch it part of Carmona’s testimony:

Carmona revealed that when he tried to explain the science of stem cell research to the American public, he was “blocked at every turn, told a decision had already been made, stand down, don’t talk about it.” Additionally, political appointees were specifically assigned to “vet his speeches” and “spin [his] words in such a way that would be preferable to a political or ideologically pre-conceived notion that had nothing to do with science.” He was also barred from speaking freely to reporters.

The politicization of “America’s doctor” fits with broader White House efforts to politicize faith-based initiatives, global warming, contraceptives, and the Justice Department.

On Thursday, the Senate will consider the nomination of Dr. James Holsinger to be the next Surgeon General. Perhaps not surprisingly, Bush has this time nominated someone who has repeatedly put ideology over sound science, peddling views of homosexuality that have been rejected by the medical community.

Former Surgeon General Was Muzzled, Censored By Bush Administration

Richard Carmona served as President Bush’s first Surgeon General from 2002-2006. Today he spoke before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and revealed that political appointees in the Bush administration muzzled him on key issues such as “stem cell research, contraceptives and his misgivings about the administration’s embrace of ‘abstinence-only’ sex education”:

[A]lthough most Americans believe that their Surgeon General has the ability to impact the course of public health as “the nation’s doctor,” the reality is that the nation’s doctor has been marginalized and relegated to a position with no independent budget, and with supervisors who are political appointees with partisan agendas. Anything that doesn’t fit into the political appointees’ ideological, theological, or political agenda is ignored, marginalized, or simply buried.

Watch it part of Carmona’s testimony:

Carmona revealed that when he tried to explain the science of stem cell research to the American public, he was “blocked at every turn, told a decision had already been made, stand down, don’t talk about it.” Additionally, political appointees were specifically assigned to “vet his speeches” and “spin [his] words in such a way that would be preferable to a political or ideologically pre-conceived notion that had nothing to do with science.” He was also barred from speaking freely to reporters.

The politicization of “America’s doctor” fits with broader White House efforts to politicize faith-based initiatives, global warming, contraceptives, and the Justice Department.

On Thursday, the Senate will consider the nomination of Dr. James Holsinger to be the next Surgeon General. Perhaps not surprisingly, Bush has this time nominated someone who has repeatedly put ideology over sound science, peddling views of homosexuality that have been rejected by the medical community.

Genetic roots of bipolar disorder revealed

The likelihood of developing bipolar disorder depends in part on the combined, small effects of variations in many different genes in the brain, none of which is powerful enough to cause the disease by itself, a new study shows.

However, targeting the enzyme produced by one of these genes could lead to development of new, more effective medications. The research was conducted by scientists at the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), with others from the Universities of Heidelberg and Bonn and a number of U.S. facilities collaborating in a major project called the NIMH Genetics Initiative.

The study is the first to scan virtually all of the variations in human genes to find those associated with bipolar disorder. Results were published online May 8 in Molecular Psychiatry by Amber E. Baum, PhD, lead researcher Francis J. McMahon, MD, and colleagues.

"This is an example of how advances in genetics research feed into practical applications. This research would not have been possible a very few years ago. We now have a new molecular target scientists can investigate in their search for better medications for bipolar disorder," said NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni, MD.

About 5.7 million American adults have bipolar disorder, which also is called manic-depressive illness. Symptoms include extremes in mood, from pronounced over-excitement and elation, often coupled with severe irritability, to depression. Children also may have the condition, usually in a more severe form than adults.

"We're beginning to get a foothold on the genetics of this complex brain disorder," said NIMH Director Thomas R. Insel, MD.

Most people occasionally have mood swings, but the shifts that occur in bipolar disorder, and the changes in behavior and energy level that accompany them, are sometimes disabling. Lithium and the other mood-stabilizing medications used to treat the condition help many patients.

But some people do not respond to these medications, and clinicians need more options so that they can tailor treatments to each patient. People inherit different gene variations, which may influence whether or not they respond to a given medication. Identifying and targeting these variations could help scientists develop additional medication options that take these differences into account.

One of the genes the researchers correlated with the disorder, DGKH, is active in a biochemical pathway through which lithium is thought to exert its therapeutic effects. The gene produces an enzyme (diacylglycerol kinase eta) that functions at a point closer to the root of the lithium-sensitive pathway than does the protein that lithium is thought to target. Scientists can now try to develop more effective medications by focusing on new compounds that act on the DGKH enzyme or regulate how much of the enzyme is produced. The DGKH gene is on chromosome 13.

Several other genes detected in the study produce proteins involved in this and other biochemical pathways thought to play a role in bipolar disorder. Understanding the effects that variations of these genes have on brain-cell function could lead to explanations of how they contribute to the condition and how it might be better prevented or treated.

"Treatments that target just a few of these genes or the proteins they make could yield substantial benefits for patients. Lithium is still the primary treatment for bipolar disorder, but DGKH is a promising target for new treatments that might be more effective and better tolerated," McMahon said.

The finding was enabled by recent genetics technology that allows researchers to scan, in a single experiment, thousands of genes for variations. Everyone has the same genes, but variations in them influence whether or not a person gets a specific disease. In this study, researchers compared variations found in the scans of 413 adults who had bipolar disorder with variations found in the scans of 563 healthy adults.

By pooling the genetic material of the adults with bipolar disorder, the U.S. researchers were able to scan the entire group at a small fraction of the cost of scanning each person's material individually. The genetic material of the healthy group was pooled and scanned separately, again at a fraction of the cost of individual scans. The researchers then zeroed in on the gene variations that occurred more often in the people with bipolar disorder and examined them individually.

An important issue in genetics research is that findings correlating specific genes with specific diseases in one population may not apply to other populations. This study addressed that issue by focusing on US participants of European ancestry, then repeating the study in a large group of patients in Germany. Similar outcomes were found in both populations, strengthening the validity of the results. A subsequent study is examining whether the results apply to other populations, and will look for common variations among them.

The researchers will soon make the results of their scans available, on a website, to other scientists who are pursuing this line of research.

Coauthors of this report, including contributors from the National Institute on Aging (also part of the National Institutes of Health), are listed below:

Amber E. Baum, Nirmala Akula, Imer Cardona, Michael Cabanero, and Winston Corona (NIMH Genetic Basis of Mood and Anxiety Disorders Unit, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program), Ben Klemens,(NIMH Genetic Basis of Mood and Anxiety Disorders Unit, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program; The Brookings Institution),Thomas G Schulze,(University of Heidelberg),Sven Cichon, ( University of Bonn),Marcella Rietschel (University of Heidelberg),Markus Nöthen (University of Bonn),A. Georgi (University of Heidelberg),Johannes Schumacher
(University of Bonn),M Schwarz (University of Heidelberg, R. Abou Jamra, S. Höfels, and P. Propping (University of Bonn), Jaya Satagopan (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)

Bipolar Disorder: Perspectives on Diagnosis and Treatment

Glenn Brynes, Ph.D., M.D.

Mood, like the weather, is always changing. For most people, the emotional climate remains within predictable limits—not too high and not too low. For a person with bipolar disorder the barometer of life will at times seem to fall from a temperate normal mood, to the bleak chill of depression. It can also shoot up to the bright heights of hypomania or beyond to the brilliant blaze of mania.

Bipolar Disorder, as its name suggests, is a condition characterized by periods of high mood in addition to the low moods that occur in the more common “unipolar” depression. Studies show that 1.5% of the population will have at least one hypomanic or manic episode in their adult lives.

When a person is hypomanic, they may feel unusually good and competent, or simply irritable. Their thoughts race and consequently their speech is often pressured; they may be distractible and flit from topic to topic. They apply their heightened energy to multiple projects. Sleep seems less necessary. There is a drive for pleasurable activities with uncharacteristic disregard for risk. Friends and relatives who know the person recognize that they are behaving differently—out of character. If the symptoms are so severe that they cause marked impairment in work or social functioning, then the condition is called mania.

Depression, the other pole of Bipolar Disorder, may also vary in severity from a relative decrease in enjoyment and interest, to a complete and painful lack of pleasure in anything. Often there are disturbances in concentration, sleep, appetite and energy as well as paralysis of decision making. Guilt and low self-esteem are common.

Without treatment, bipolar disorder can be devastating. People with this condition divorce 2-3 times more commonly and show decline in occupational functioning twice as commonly as the average population. Proper treatment can lower the elevated suicide mortality rate in this group.

Fortunately, there are a number of good treatments available for Bipolar Disorder. The first step in treatment is appropriate evaluation and diagnosis. Usually medication can help control the mood swings. It is essential to develop a trusting relationship between the psychiatrist and patient, especially since many patients initially don’t recognize or don’t want to recognize the danger of an elevated mood. If a strong alliance is present, medication can often be started sooner—before a crisis develops—and prevent a full-blown mood swing. It is often a turning point in treatment when the patient accepts the need to monitor their own mood and to ask for help early on.

[1] Weissman MM, Bruce ML, Leaf PJ, Florio LP, Holzer III CE: Affective disorders, in Psychiatric Disorders in America. Edited by Robins L, Regier DA. New York, Free Press, 1990

[2] Coryell W, Scheftner W, Keller, Endicott J, Maser J, Klerman GL: The enduring psychosocial consequences of mania and depression. Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:720-727
[3] Coppen A, Standish-Barry H, Bailey J, Houston G, Silcocks P, Hermon C: Does lithium reduce the mortality of recurrent mood disorders? J Affect Disord 1991; 23:1-7

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How to Save Money on Your Life Insurance

There are many different life insurance policies and as such there are many ways that you can make savings when it comes to getting a life insurance policy. The best advice when it comes to purchasing your policy is to shop around for the best deal; there is no better way than to use the internet if you want to make savings on your life insurance.

Shopping online for life insurance will allow you to gain access to a huge amount of insurers, as there are many; all insurers are competing against the other for your custom, which goes a long way towards helping you save money. All insurers will allow you to get an online quote and compare quotes, which mean that at a glance you can see which seems to be the best deal. However always make sure you look into what the policy offers because sometimes a great deal isnΓÇÖt so great after reading the exclusions and small print.

A great way to make savings on life insurance is to be as healthy as possible to start with when taking out the insurance. Here a little common sense needs to be applied, for instance if you are a smoker or drinker then you can expect to pay more for your life insurance than you would if you didnΓÇÖt smoke or drink, this is the ideal opportunity to give up those nasty habits.

Being severely over weight can also add to your premium than if you were the average build for your height. Again making adjustments to your lifestyle and diet and losing weight can not only improve your health but also leave you with a little extra cash in your pocket due to lower premiums.

Any pre existing medical conditions can also raise the premiums on your life insurance although these always have to be declared at the time you take out your insurance. However by doing all you can to help your condition such as taking regular medication and attending regular check ups at the Doctors or clinics will help when you do declare your condition.

Finally donΓÇÖt take out more life insurance than you need to, by taking out more insurance you will be paying a higher premium.Article Source:

Florida Family Health Insurance Quotes

Buying family health insurance can be a huge expense that nobody wants to take on. Fortunately, a lot of people get free family health insurance from their employer. And even if it is not free, they still have the ability to purchase the coverage at a discounted cost. But if you are one of the millions who do not have this option available, purchasing family health insurance is a must. While this may sound like an impossible task, with the help of a broker you will be able to find something that suits your needs.

“Some people have a hard time finding family health insurance that is affordable,” Morgan Moran, a managing partner of Florida Health Insurance Web, said, “This can be a huge expense that a lot of people were not expecting. So working with a broker that can find the best deals can be a huge help.”

As you can imagine, family health insurance is more expensive than an individual policy because more than one person needs coverage. The good thing is that there are many carriers that offer a wide range of policies. By working with a broker, the consumer will have the chance to take a closer look at everything that is available. Believe it or not, some brokers work with in upwards of 100 insurance companies. They may not all offer health insurance, but it is safe to say that a good handful will.

Buying family health insurance is very important to many people. This may be a process that you simply want to forget about, but as you know, this is not in the best interest of your family. Instead of putting yourself and your family at risk, a broker will help you to shop for the best family health insurance coverage and rates.

Natural Insomnia Cure - Planning Ahead For Bedtime

You may be asking why you have to plan ahead for bedtime. If you donΓÇÖt plan, bedtime sneaks up on you. Bedtime comes and goes, and youΓÇÖll still be gallivanting around the house trying to get one last chore done, play one more computer game, or hear the last joke on your favorite late night talk show. Meanwhile, your exhausted brain and body are crying out for the rest, but youΓÇÖre so busy being busy you ignores them. When you do finally fall into bed, you arenΓÇÖt relaxed. Your brain is still spinning a mile a minute. So, instead of sleeping, you lie there and twitch like a Mexican jumping bean.

You may be like some adult who seem to have forgotten about the importance of pre-sleep ritual. Perhaps your only remaining childhood ritual is to brush your teeth. Many adults run all day long, avoiding their problematic issues so they can focus and take care of business. Then they bedtime rolls around, they abruptly stop and leap into bed, switching off the light as they hit the mattress. They expect to fall asleep immediately, but of course, they often donΓÇÖt. All the problematic they avoided thinking about as well as a few mini crises that cropped up during the day come flooding into their consciousness. The net result is sleeplessness.

As you start to put together a bedtime routine, keep in mind activities that appeal to you. If you come up with routine full of activities you donΓÇÖt like, then you routine will fail and youΓÇÖll end up just as sleepless as ever. Maybe you already have some good nighttime habits, but some stressful event or deadline pressure has thrown you off regular schedule. Make up your mind to put yourself and your health needs first and get back to your routine. If youΓÇÖre under tons of pressure, sleep should be the first thing you pay attention to, not the last.

DonΓÇÖt try to change everything in your nighttime routine all at once, which is another recipe for failure. Many of these activities are lifestyle features. Look at what youΓÇÖre currently doing leafing up to bedtime that doesnΓÇÖt work, and then pick one or two things you want to try to see if they work for you. List them in your order of your preference and then try the first item for at least three weeks. (It takes that long to create a new habit)

Pick out where you want to sleep, and do everything you can to make that location as comforting and inviting as possible. Select a comfortable night grows or pair of pajamas to sleep in. Then pick one item from the list of things you want to change to help yourself sleep better and start with that.

At the end of three weeks, if youΓÇÖve been successful in adopting the first new habit into your bedtime routine, they try adding the second item from your list. For example, try taking the time to turn down your bedding, fluff up your pillows, and spray some lavender or jasmine scents on the sheets and pillow cases. Consider enjoying a soothing cup of herbal tea (decaffeinated , of course).

Monday, July 9, 2007

How Serious Is Long Term Insomnia?

Long term insomnia is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people in the United States. Persistent insomnia, which is sometimes called chronic insomnia, is characterized by the inability to sleep that often persists for several nights. This type of sleep disorder can even last for up to months depending on the gravity of the problem.

Long term insomnia is often caused by a number of factors although most experts hold worrying as the culprit responsible. However not all experts believe that psychological factors are the root of persistent insomnia. In some cases, persistent insomnia can even be a result of some type of physical problem.

Certain physiological factors have been found to cause persistent insomnia in some patients that participated in a study conducted by the Association of Sleep Disorders in the United States. An individual with physical disorders such as abnormal muscle activity or breathing problems often experience sleep disorders that can be as serious as persistent insomnia.

Long term insomnia can also be attributed to two well-known psychological factors namely depression and stress. Research has also shown that more women are at risk of experiencing persistent insomnia due to biological factors such as menopause. Other factors that can cause persistent insomnia can also be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle with too much caffeine, nicotine or alcohol as well as late night snacks.

Dependence on prescription drugs such as anti-depressants can also lead to sleep disorders. Several environmental factors can also lead to persistent insomnia like excessive light or noise, working the night shift, and jet lag. Sleeping on an uncomfortable bed can also lead to persistent insomnia.

Easy Techniques to Ease Long Term Insomnia

Despite being a serious sleep disorder, people suffering from persistent insomnia need not worry, as there are natural remedies that can be employed to help ease the problem. The most logical solution would be to refrain from takings naps during the day. Too much sleep during the day will make it harder to sleep at night.

Yoga is a great exercise that can help a patient suffering persistent insomnia loosen up and focus. Yoga is a unique form of relaxation technique that can teach a person to meditate and visualize away their worries. Reducing stress will help decrease stress hormones.

Other than yoga, insomniacs can also engage in physically energizing workouts to raise adrenaline levels and increase the body’s core temperature. Exercise such as this is best done in the afternoon or even in the early evening as the hormone levels go down five to six hours after exercise can help promote deep sleep. Avoid exercising right before bedtime, as the body will be too stimulated to fall asleep.

Pass up a heavy meal at least four hours before hitting the sheets. Going to bed on a full stomach will make it harder to sleep, as the tummy feels bloated; however drinking a glass of warm milk before bedtime can help promote sleep as it contains tryptophan.

Aside from milk, other protein-rich foods like nuts, tuna, dates, and even potatoes can help promote sleep. These foods contain tryptophan, which is a chemical that sends a message to the brain that initiates the release of the hormone serotonin to help a person relax.

Alternative remedies such, as acupuncture may be a solution to persistent insomnia. This ancient Chinese remedy is known to be quite effective in treating a variety of sicknesses and is a dependable alternative to taking prescription drugs that at times can be addictive.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can also be taken to treat persistent insomnia. These may include calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Other types of supplements that can be taken to pacify the nervous system would be vitamins B3, B6, and C.

The overall ambience of the bedroom can cause a person to lose sleep. In some cases, loud wall colors or uncomfortable beddings, curtains or carpets with frenzied patterns can keep a person awake all night. It helps to have bedroom walls painted in soft pastel colors that are calming to look at.

Severe chronic insomnia will require professional assistance and a lot of patience on the part of the patient. It is also a good idea to start a sleep diary wherein the patient can write down their observations in order to identify any pattern that could have led to the sleeping disorder.


Gaetane Ross is a Certified Natural Health Consultant who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Healing and Healthy Lifestyle. Gaetane's mission is to positively transform the lives of everyone she meets by providing advice on Healthy Living.

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